Textos poéticos/contos/crônicas todas terças, quintas e sábados... ou quando a inspiração mandar...

quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2016


The seeds of mystery
The lost in dark room
My life, your life
Mourn in silence without hopes

Undergrondance close to the edge of hell
The whispers of dead men and women cries in my hears
My luck's star was turn off
Love is a suicide, and I want to die with him

Kill me
But kill me slowly
Show me your sorrow, maybe my sorrow is the same
The pain in my soul, in my flesh

My dance in this abyss, this underground, this occult place
I want you to dance with me in the eternal circle
of life, birth, love, sons, and death...
...or and rebirth, I hope, I creed

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